Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tu B'Shvat and Andy Warhol

We started a new unit this week, learning about the artist Andy Warhol. and we incorporated that into Tu B'Shvat!

We celebrated the birthday of the trees, talking about how important trees are, and how they need soil and water to grow.

We planted seeds in our classroom.

looking at how small seeds are!
putting seeds in soil

checking to see if they are growing yet!

And had the chance to "plant" flowers in our sensory bin (using black beans instead of dirt!)

We made collages of fruits and vegetables...

and stamped flowers, trees, the sun, and birthday cakes onto paper.

We made cupcakes and decorated them to celebrate!

And then we had a big party with the whole school!

painted leaf hats

getting ready to plant!

planting seeds

planting seeds

planting seeds

Then we had an ice cream party! It was so much fun!

We have also been learning to paint like Andy Warhol!  He likes to use very bright colors to make his art really pop.  We used bright highlighters to paint a zebra just like he did!

And we used the bottom of soda bottles to paint bright-colored flowers in his style.

We also started a project to make flower pop-art similar to one of his paintings.  We hope you can join us next week to see all of your children's pop-art!

We also enjoyed playground time, movement, and music with Morah Lilly!

Some of our favorite music:

singing "Icky, Sticky, Bubblegum"

"Bean Bag Boogie"

"Jack in the Box"

"Freeze Dance"

Morah Lilly!

Shabbat Shalom!

1 comment:

  1. Always look like so much fun! Looking forward to see the artists' works next week!
