Thursday, February 12, 2015

Andy Warhol Week!

We had such a fun week learning about Andy Warhol, and his pop art.  We continued to paint in really bright colors to make our art "pop."

We started the week by painting trees.  We froze paint in ice cube trays, and then used that paint to paint over trees made of tape.  When the paint dried, we pulled off the tape, and our trees looked so colorful!!

We also finished our rendition of Andy Warhol's Flowers.  Last week, we rolled white or paint onto different color constuction paper to make lines on the paper.  This week we sponge painted flowers on to the paper, using different colors and different size sponges.

We blow painted!  We used straws to blow paint splatters over pictures of dolls.

We finished celebrating Andy Warhol Week with our parents and grandparents.  It was so much fun painting handprints on bright paper, and painting self-portraits.

And the cupcakes were a delicious treat!

We also learned the letter daled - doll - this week.  We made puppets with dolls, bathed dolls , and blow painted doll pictures. We used playdough to make the letter daled, and matched ice cream cones with the letters aleph through daled.

And when we weren't doing all of that, we were...

celebrating Jakey's birthday....

practicing our cutting skills...

doing puzzles (thank you Jakey for the new puzzle!)...

playing drums with Morah Danit...

playing outside...

reading books...

and just shmoozing with our friends!

What a fun and busy week!  Shabbat Shalom!

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