Thursday, December 25, 2014

Planes, Trains and Automobiles!!

We finished learning about Chanukah this week.  We made a Chanukah collage with stickers, made potato latkes with Morah Abby's class, and spun dreidels that lit up!

Chanukah stickers

Chanukah stickers

spinning light up dreidels

spinning dreidels
making latkes!

peeling potatoes

grating potatoes

grating potatoes

grating potatoes

We also learned the letter Bet (ball) this week. We made Bet puppets, Bet out of playdough, and we all practiced throwing balls!
making bet out of playdough

learning the letter bet

practicing the letter bet

throwing a ball

throwing a ball
Bet puppets
bet puppets

We also had Rosh Chodesh club this week.  We learned about the Kotel, and then got to make a Kotel out of crackers and cream cheese!
sending our wishes to Hashem

making the Kotel

making the Kotel

We also started our unit on transportation this week!  We've been flying airplanes to Israel, rolling cars down ramps, beeping horns on buses, and riding choo choo trains!

dot-painting airplanes

riding cars on a track
building tracks for the cars

color matching

color matching

making vehicles out of playdough

our choo choo train (Jakey was the conductor)

our airplane (Dovid was the pilot)

our school bus (Ori was the driver)

color matching- bean bag toss on stop light
color matching- bean bag toss on stop light
 We used different size popsicle sticks to make an airplane.... the little for the tail, the medium for the base and the large for the wings!
painting the wings of an airplane
painting the wings of an airplane

racing cars down tunnels

racing cars down tunnels

racing cars down tunnels
 We painted large vehicles to decorate our classroom... a yellow bus, a blue airplane, a black car and a red boat.

We rolled cars in paint and watched as they made fun tracks on the paper!

The children were given different shapes - circles, rectangles, a square and a triangle - to make their own choo choo train!

And we also...
played ball outside!

 introduced our new pet, Hockey, to the class!

and mixed colors like the mice in Mouse Paint (by Ellen Stoll Walsh)

yellow and blue makes green!

red and blue makes purple!

yellow and red makes orange!

We can't wait until our Shabbat Party tomorrow!  Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy Chanukah!

Chanukah is finally here!! After practicing and practicing, the children finally got to show off what they learned at our amazing Chanukah party! I'm so proud of them!  Thank you to everyone who came and may the day special for your children!
Each day we've been adding a new candle to our classroom menorah, just like we are doing at home. We're painting, playing dreidel, dancing to Chanukah music and celebrating so much!
making a menorah with electric candles

dot painting dreidels

getting ready for our Chanukah parry!!


balloon painting dreidel and menorah stencils

shaking bottles of water and oil, then watching to see how they don't mix!

rolling candles from playdough

a Chanukah puppet show!

dreidel lacing
dreidel lacing

putting candles in a menorah

spinning dreidels

painting dreidels and menorahs! We can't wait to see how it looks when we take off the green tape!

 We baked a yummy cake with Morah Abby's class. The children waited so nicely for their turn to add ingredients, or mix the batter! We can't wait to taste it!

Then we danced to Chanukah songs!!

We also had fun with Morah Danit this week!

Shabbat shalom, and happy Chanukah!