Thursday, February 26, 2015

Purim continued...

We have been so busy preparing for Purim!! We've been making graggers, decorating our own megillahs, making crowns, singing Purim songs and learning the Purim story.

We practiced making Hamentashen with playdough.  First we rolled the dough,

then we cut circles,

and finally we pinched the circles into triangles!

And we learned a hamentashen song:
Nosh, nosh, a hamentash
Let's make a hamentash now!
Roll, roll, roll,(pinch, pinch, pinch) the dough with me,
Roll (pinch) it now and you will see
That Haman's hat looked just like that (make a triangle with your fingers)!
Let's make a hamentash now!!

We then had the chance to make real hamentashen with our dads!!

We had a matching game with the different characters from the Purim story. Ask your children how they know which is Esther and which is Vashti (Vashti had a tail and pimples)!

We decorated our own crowns like King Achashverosh and Queen Esther!

We love using blocks and magnatiles to build the king's castle!

We made our own graggers for Purim!  First we painted plates brown.

We colored a horse's head and Mordechai.

We added beans to make noise (feathers and pompoms are too quiet).


Then we glued on the horse's tail and head and put Mordechai on the horse, and practiced shaking our new graggers when we said Haman's name!


 We also learned about the mitzvah of giving shalach manot.  We cut paper that we glued onto baskets, and had fun "giving"them to our friends.

The children put on an impromptu Purim puppet show!

And we started our Megillah.  We put pimples on Vashti, sequins on Queen Esther and a triangle hat on Haman!


We played drums and danced like clowns with Morah Danit.

 We always love our outdoor time!

Shabbat Shalom!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


We are so excited that Purim is coming! We decorated our classroom. making a giant mask, hamentashen, basket and gragger!


We learned how Haman's hat was shaped like a triangle, and practiced making triangles with our hands.

 We've been learning about how the story takes place in Shushan.  We practiced building Shushan out of different shapes and  magnatiles, and making King Achashverosh's castle out of big blocks!

We had a chance to lace different items of Purim, like a Megillah, Hamentashen, and Gragger.

 We practiced our letter aleph through daled by matching hamentashen with the letters on them.

We stamped different shapes for Purim, played with play dough and made clowns!

We cut out our handprints, glued them together and decorated them to make masks!

Our favorite thing to do this week was shake the graggers! We put different items into containers to see what would make better graggers.  We discovered that pom poms and feathers are too quiet, but beans and rocks make a lot of noise!! Then we practiced making noise when we said Haman's name.

We celebrated Rosh Chodesh Adar today by dancing to Purim music with Morah Abbys's class.

We love the new puzzles Yosef Tzvi brought to our classroom!

And had so much fun with Morah Lilly!

We hope everyone enjoyed Grandparent's Day!  Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow!  Shabbat Shalom!