Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had so much fun learning about Thanksgiving this week!  We sang songs, made turkey handprints, and wore our turkey hats to a yummy Thanksgiving feast!

matching colors of turkey feathers

counting turkey feathers
"planting" corn and other vegetables

"planting" corn and other vegetables

putting feathers on our turkey handprints
We made playdough from canned pumpkin and corn starch!

We made turkey hats for our Thanksgiving feast.  We stamped corn with lego blocks, and painted to husks brown. We colored the turkeys, then glued on feathers. Then we dot painted the hats.

coloring our turkeys
the final result
the final result!
We had our Thanksgiving feast with the toddlers, and Morah Abby's class.

We also had Rosh Chodesh club this week, making Menorahs out of cookies, fluff, cheerios and licorice!  Yummy!

And we said goodbye to Kite and Rocket this week.  We took them to the playground and watched them fly away!

 Happy Thanksgiving!  Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

It's Fall!

Fall has come to our classroom!  The weather outside got chilly, and the leaves are falling off the trees!  We sang fall songs and learned about fall colors, playing matching and counting games, and making our own fall trees!

making goop from cranberry sauce and corn starch
fun with goop!

counting leaves on fall trees
matching colored leaves
 We made fall trees by gluing colored tissue paper onto plates, and then painted paper towel rolls to make the trunks of the trees!

We colored leaves...

 Painted leaves with water colors...

Painted leaves with marbles....


We stamped leaves onto fall trees...

And even made handprint leaves!

We loved playing outside in the fall weather!

We had fun collecting acorns, and raking the leaves outside.

And then we got to play with the leaves inside, examining the different colors and textures of different leaves.

When we were not playing with the leaves, we were having fun with Morah Danit!

 And one butterfly came out of its cocoon!  We fed it sugar water, and are patiently watching and waiting for the other to come out, too!


We can't wait to to celebrate Thanksgiving next week! Shabbat Shalom

Friday, November 14, 2014

and more Eric Carle...

We finished our unit on Eric Carle this week.
We started the week making colorful seahorses from Mister Seahorse. We mixed paint colors into shaving cream, then pressed the mixture onto a seahorse cut out.  When it dried, we added eyes, and hair!  What a messy but fun project!

We continued working on our colors and numbers, matching colorful circles to a a colorful caterpillar, and counting caterpillars on leaves.

We had fun with the sensory bin, finding airplanes in the clouds (like in Little Cloud) and looking for chameleons and snakes in the the "dirt" (The Mixed-Up Chameleon and Will You Be My Friend?)

We played a matching game, using pictures from The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and worked on our fine motor skills by picking up "clouds" with tweezers.

We talked about what it means to be grouchy (The Grouchy Ladybug). Here are some of our best grouchy faces!
We painted the covers of our Eric Carle books, mixing different colors just like Eric Carle!

We dot painted caterpillars, and made grouchy ladybugs by coloring them red, them dot painted black circles on them.

We even made caterpillars out of playdough and pompoms!


And yesterday we baked butterfly cookies that we are going to decorate today.  



We always have fun when Morah Lilly comes!

 But the most exciting part of our week was the arrival of our caterpillars!!  We've been watching them every day as they eat, get big and fat, and climb to the top of the cup to start spinning their cocoons.

Each child had a chance to spin a "cocoon" and see what it is like to break free and become a beautiful butterfly!

We can't wait for the caterpillars to turn into butterflies!

Shabbat Shalom!