Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Shana Tova!

We've had so much fun preparing for Rosh Hashana!  We stuffed shofars, painted fish for tashlich, made honey cupcakes, and made ram hats!

painting fish

fun outdoors

fun on the slide

fun outdoors

making ram hats

decorating shofars for hats

fish puzzle

coloring apples and honey

baking cupcakes

stuffing shofars

blowing the shofar
We had a lot of indoor time today because of the rain, which gave us a chance to dance with beanbags, paint, and build with our friends!

bean bag fun

having fun with bean bags


building with magnatiles

fun with peg boards
And we celebrated Yosef Sion's birthday!

yummy cake!

Shana Tova!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Rosh Hashana is coming!!

We have been so busy this past week preparing for Rosh Hashana! We've been painting honeycombs and apples, gluing bumblebees and fish heads. We've tasted sour pomegranates and sweet apples in honey.  We've sorted apples by color, matched fish colors and found bumblebees hiding in the clouds. And we've learned all about the shofar... where it comes from, the sounds it makes, and how we have to be quiet in shul to hear all 100 blows!

Aside from Rosh Hashana, we've been having a blast on the playground with the balls, bubbles and tricycles. We've been building houses and rocketships with magnatiles, reading, singing songs, and having fun with Morah Lilly!

apples dipped in honey

apples dipped in honey

decorating a shofar

decorating a shofar

painting apples

building rocketships 
matching fish by colors

matching Rosh Hashana items

making round challahs from Playdough
making round challah with playdough

painting apples

cooperating on the playground!

learning about the Rimon

smelling the Rimon

sorting apples by color

putting apples on the trees!

matching Rosh Hashana items

painting "pomegranate seeds"

painting "pomegranate seeds"

making pomegranates

feeling the shofar

cutting open the Rimon

tasting a Rimon

Coming back for seconds!

decorating a fish head

decorating a fish head
cork stamping

cork stamping

matching colors on the fish

tasting apples in honey

Painting honeycombs

painting honeycombs

making bumblebees

finding bumblebees in the clouds!

dancing with Morah Lilly

putting bees on the honeycomb

putting bees on the honeycomb

building together with magnatiles