Friday, October 31, 2014

Eric Carle

Eric Carle has taken over our classroom!!  We've been reading some of our favorite books of his... "Brown Bear, Brown Bear", "The Very Quiet Cricket", "Little Cloud", "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and "From Head to Toe." We talked about Eric Carle not only as an author, but also as an illustrator.  The children learned how he used different color paints, and different utensils to paint, and make beautiful collages.  We even made our own collages!

Matching colored pom poms to animals from "Brown Bear"

"Brown Bear" puzzle
"Brown Bear" puzzle
counting caterpillars on a leaf
matching colors
layering colors like Eric Carle
layering colors like Eric Carle
making a collage of colors
making a collage of colors
making a collage of colors
making fingerprint caterpillars
making fingerprint caterpillars
bleeding tissue paper to blend colors

bleeding tissue paper to blend colors

After reading "Little Cloud," we looked outside to see what the clouds looked like to us. Some of the answers:
"A hat"...Meli
"A dinosaur".... Dovid
"A tree".... Yosef Sion

We spent the week learning how Eric Carle paints colors on top of other colors, and uses different tools to do this.  First, every child was given colored paper to paint on, using toothbrushes, paintbrushes, corks, even lego pieces!

When the paint dried, the children cut up the paper into small pieces.

We then glued the small pieces together to make a colorful collage, that was sent home today!

When we weren't learning about Eric Carle, we were learning about the letter aleph... airplane....
making an aleph out of pipe cleaners

making an aleph out of pipe cleaners

making aleph puppets

making aleph puppets

doing puppet shows....

building with blocks....

having fun with Morah Lili...

doing yoga with Morah Bayla,

and playing on the playground!

We ended our week with a shabbat party.. thank you to our Shabbat Ema, Naomi, for the special treats!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Animals, animals and more animals!

We've been hard at work on our animal book all week.  Painting tigers, putting stripes on zebras, gluing feathers on ducks and making a handprint giraffe kept us very busy in the art center!  We matched baby animals with their mommies, made animals out of playdough, and did animal puzzles. We also painted our very own animal zoo for the animals to play in.  We danced like animals, read many books about animals ("Brown Bear, Brown Bear", "From Head to Toe",""What Happens at the Zoo"," Dear Zoo", etc...), sang animal songs (5 Little Ducks","Old McDonald Had a Farm) and even tied it in to Noach and the Ark.

gluing stripes on our zebras

animal matching

animal puzzles

rubber ducks in the water

painting our zoo

painting our zoo

painting our zoo

animal stamping for our book covers

playing with our zoo!

fun with the rubber ducks!

animal puzzles

playground fun

playground fun

making our giraffes!

painting tigers

lacing animals

lacing animals

playdough animals

playdough animals

fun with Morah Danit

fun with Morah Danit

fun with Morah Danit

we love our friends!

drum fun!

drum fun!

marble painting stripes on our tigers

marble painting stripes on our tigers

animal puppet show
coloring our ducks

gluing feathers on our ducks

hopping like frogs!

flying like birds!

building a zoo out of legos

building with magnatiles

Next week we start our unit on Eric Carle.  If you have any Eric Carle books we can borrow, please send them in next week.Thank you!