Thursday, March 12, 2015

Pesach is coming!

I can't believe Pesach is coming!! We started learning the story of Pesach,We have also been singing songs, and talking about the seder.

We talked about how we eat matzoh, and made matzohs in the classroom.

We rubbed crayons on bristle blocks to watch the matzoh pattern come through the paper.

We painted matzohs for the classroom using forks to make the lines and holes.

We made playdough very flat and used forks to make our circles into matzohs.

After all of our practice making matzoh, we finally got to taste it.  Overall, it was a big hit!

We love playing in the sand in the sensory bin, like the sand in the dessert.

We made a big picture of the splitting of the Red Sea.  First , we painted the Sea, and glued waves on. 

Then we put on fish stickers.

We glued sand on the paper to make dry land.

Then we decorated the jewish people to put on the dry land in between the water.

Come see the final version hanging in the classroom!

 We also starting making our own smaller versions to take home.

At circle time, we talked about what a miracle it was that Hashem could make the water split.  All of the children had a chance to try to split water, but no one could!

We also hung up 4 cups of grape juice, and Eliyahu's cup, which we decorated by gluing purple tissue onto cup shapes.

We learned about the first 2 Makot. blood and frogs.  I showed the children how we could add red food coloring to water to make it look like blood, but only Hashem could  turn water into real blood!

We made frogs by painting plates green, and popsicle sticks red.

 When they dried, we glued on eyes and 4 legs!

We learned the first 2 parts of the seder.
For Kadesh, all of the children practiced pouring grape juice into their cups, and, using a funnel, pouring it back into the bottle.

Then we practiced washing and drying our hands for Urchatz (and Rachtah).

Though Pesach is keeping us very busy, we also had time to...

Watch the garbage truck outside...

Dance and play drums with Moreh Yariv (Morah Danit's husband)...

Play outside...

Build with blocks...

And learn the letter hey (we practiced using pipe clearners and popsicle sticks and made hey-hat-puppets)

All of the children were so excited to welcome Ori back!  We really missed him!
Shabbat Shalom!

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